Saturday, November 5, 2011

Goodbye, Black Beauty, It's Been Fun!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye to our dear, trusty, faithful car Black Beauty. Chelsea got the car in 2006 for graduation and we've loved it ever since! Unfortunately, about a month ago Chels was in a car accident and she's fine, but the car did not fare so well... Actually, the car did really well and has been completely driveable and fine, with the exception of the rear passenger's side door (we haven't attempted to open it because who knows what will happen then? Will it close? Better not to know...). But, technically the cost to fix the damage would be more than the insurance company says it's worth (priceless to us!), so: time for a new car.
The good side, still pretty.
Uh-oh, the not so pretty passenger's side. I was in Canada for work when the accident happened, and Chels made the wise decision to wait to tell me until I came home (I'm a worrier!), so I first saw the damage when she pulled up to the airport to pick me up. She said the look on my face was priceless, I'm sure it was!
So after a month of Chelsea and Barry's grueling search for a new car for us, they found this gem only about 45 minutes outside of Seattle. Whew!
We love Subarus and wanted to find another comparable to our car, which proved to be quite difficult! Either they were too expensive, or the mileage was too high, or they sold before we even got a chance to have a look. We felt lucky to find this one, and thought it might be nice to have a hatchback with a little more room. Chels told me how convenient they are for dogs, too. Hmm...
We met with the person selling it last week. Turns out to be a nice family from Colorado who bought it new, but had to sell and get a minivan after having kids. It's funny because Chels and I talk about minivans and how I will never want to drive one, but they are so convenient for families--when the seller made a sad face at having to trade this in for a minivan, we knew we were kindred spirits and had met the right person to buy from!
Red has never personally been my favorite color for a car, but this is so cute, it's growing on me. We're considering naming this one Red Velvet, what do you think?