Sunday, December 18, 2011

Home for the Holidays

Well, it's true: Chels and I are getting a new home for the holidays! After about a year of searching, we've found the perfect place for us. It's a three bedroom, two 1/2 bathroom townhouse in Seattle. It's cute and will be perfect for us! The house is about 4 years old and is in great shape. It's pretty much move-in ready, with a few little things to do here and there, so we've been focusing on packing. Moving in December is for crazy people, I do not recommend it! If you weren't crazy before, you'll definitely be after. Ha ha, well, maybe just me... I guess working in retail where you are surrounded by Christmas 24-7 might make the holidays seem more hectic than they really are. Hectic or not, we are both very excited for our new place! We'll be moving sometime in the next week, woo-hoo!!! We'll keep you all posted, and put up pictures as soon as we're in the new place. Cross your fingers for us that the move goes smoothly, and that we don't get snow in Seattle over Christmas to hinder our move. Merry Christmas!