Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hilliard Family Reunion

We spent Friday evening through Monday afternoon in Wisconsin at my Uncle Darrell & Aunt Jill's home, where they hosted the whole family for our 2010 reunion. It was so much fun! We barbecued, hung out in the sun, swam in the pool, rode their horse Jewel, played volleyball & ladder golf (turns out Chels & I are good at ladder golf!), jumped on the trampoline, and spent time chatting and catching up with the family.

Chels, Ava, & Clarabelle

Claire & Parker soaking up the sun!

Cousin Devin, Ava, Aunt Edie, Ash & Candace

Cousin Laura with her kids Ava & Parker

Ava, Parker & Claire loved the trampoline!

(Blake secretly loves it, too!)

Claire playing ladder golf

Chels and Jewel

Bon, Clarabelle, & Jewel

Everyone brought family pictures with them so we spent a lot of time looking those and remembering and laughing about the good old days :) Mom is one of 7 kids, and 6 were able to make it to the reunion, and then the families of those 6 kids came with their families, and thankfully much of the family was able to make it. A BIG thanks to Darrell & Jill for hosting us all!!!

Left to right, top row then bottom:
Aunt Jill (Darrell's wife) & Reena, Aunt Sandra, Aunt Edie (Mitch's wife), Aunt Gail, Mom, Uncle Darrell, Uncle Mitch, Uncle Wes
Here we are trying to get our act together for a family photo.
Looks like I'll have to get the professional shot from Uncle Mitch! :)

Chelsea even got to experience a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning on Saturday night. You know the kind where the lightning lights up the entire sky, and the wind picks up the trampoline and flips it over onto the fence? Now she's officially an honorary Minnesotan! Good thing we took the tents down :)

Hanging out in the basement bathroom with the kids until the storm passed.
Don't worry, we didn't actually see a tornado! Chelsea can't believe that I actually MISS the fantastic storms like this in the Midwest, but I do! :)


  1. Awesome!! Thanks guys! Everyone - please note: the picture of me in the pool (cousin Laura) with my kids and it looks like I shoved Parker down and he's crying?? Well he's not! I was pushing the kids across the water and into the soft sides of the pool - Parker was screaming with delight! Not terorr!!! Hehehehehehe Love the pictures!

  2. claire ( in seattle, not the little one!)July 31, 2010 at 2:25 PM

    Tell me more about that other friend standing and looking forlorn next to Jewel. S/He needs some snuggle I think...

  3. Ha ha, Laura, it looks like he's having a great time! :) Claire, there are 2 little donkey friends, I put up pictures of them, too!
