Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Loving Life with the Sjodins

Here are some more pictures from our Minnesota trip last month. One night Chelsea and I had dinner at my sister's and spent some time with the Sjodin family. It was so fun!

Here's little Lila smiling for her Auntie Chelsea

Pretty little peanut

Two's company with peanut & Chels

Another big smile for Auntie! Delilah looks so much like Clarabelle did as a baby--at the time of our visit, Lila was one month younger than Claire was at our wedding. Wow, the time has gone fast!

Mommy Ash & Delilah

Pumpkin loves bath time. Here's her newest trick, laying down in the water and floating. Silly girl!

Counting for me. When you ask her how old she is, she proudly replies "Two birthdays!", ha ha so cute!

Here's Clarabelle posing in her cool towel after the bath.

She loves her new baby sister!

Pumpkin quickly lost the towel and decided it was time for some naked dancing around the living room.

There she goes! Taking a tumble during her dance routine.

Pumpkin roped her Daddy into dancing with her, so funny!

Apparently she decided she needed some clothing, aka a hat like her Daddy, for the dancing grand finale.

Two peas in a pod

A goodbye hug from Claire before Chels and I went home. It's so fun to see the nieces, I miss them already!

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