The mangroves grow along the banks of the river, where we went by looking for snakes (didn't see any, I'm kind of glad about that).

Then we went into the mangrove forest, look at those roots! They actually are kind of beautiful in a strange, swampy way :)

Here we are on the boat, Boo's ready to move into the middle of the boat at the first sign of crocodiles!

Me and Chels

Here's the first white-faced capuchin monkey we saw.

They were a little shy at first, coming into the boat, taking the food, and jumping back into the mangrove.

This monkey took it right out of her hand. That little devil took the whole piece of fruit!

This is what it looked like further into the forest.

This little crab was hanging onto a branch. I was surprised by how many crabs, lizards, and other creatures were way out on the branches of the mangroves. We saw a caiman lizard jump up and grab a crab, but it was too quick to get a picture!

The white-faced capuchins have little fangs and they show each time they "smile" at you. Rachel is making friends with this one!

The monkeys got a little braver, climbing around the boat to get the food. This was a little too close for me, yikes! Chels was brave, meanwhile I was in the back of the boat, ha ha :)

The white-faced capuchins have little fangs and they show each time they "smile" at you. Rachel is making friends with this one!
Wow! There are so many monkeys. You can really see all the animals in their natural habitat and you also get to interact with them. That's neat! My kids will love this tour. They really insist met to go to another tour after our dolphins oban trip. I will definitely consider this one. The place is amazing.